This coming Saturday will be Carfree day. Every year on September 22, all motorists (except public transport drivers) are urged NOT use their cars. Why?...The world is melting, if we don't do something soon, major cities that currently are successful will be flooded. The wealthy, developed countries such as the USA should enhance public transport, like Hong Kong. People here take public transport like a luxury, now with TVs onboard all trains and buses and a First-Class compartment on all East Rail KCR trains. I quite like public transport compared to our Acura. People are quite aware of Global Warming, but, do they do search on Google and there's thousands of pages about it. Oh well, I've done all I can, now, will you? Please visit, a little website I created about fighting global warming.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Carfree Day
Posted by
5:32 PM
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Cathay City
Yesterday, I went to Cathay Pacific's HQ, CX City (國泰城). It was a very small place for Cathay, one of the world's best airlines. But their environmental consciousness there was good, big windows to let in sunlight and signs that say "take the stairs when possible". We visited the Pilot Training Flight Simulator, Airbus/Boeing mock-up, and the crew recreation centre. They didn't allow many pictures to be taken, so if you want more, go to this web album (That visit was not organized by Air Cadet).
Posted by
12:37 PM
Downgrading back to XP
It's final, our family's new DELL 531s is downgrading back to XP. As many people have said, Vista is still unstable until its Service Pack 1 is released. For us, we can't access many websites including Microsoft itself. We've called one of Dell's technicians up here twice, but, the problem still exists. The problem seizes temporarily after reinstalling Vista, but, after rebooting, the issue comes back (Restores Default Settings). Until then, I'll be sticking with XP Home that Dell sent.
Dell 531s
Windows Vista Premium (EN)
2.31 GHz AMD processor
Windows Experience Index: 3.0
Posted by
11:53 AM