Monday, October 15, 2007

The World, Our Home

Finally, it's Blog Action Day. In case you don't know, I'm a student in Hong Kong trying to save the world from destruction. Ok, to tell you about my background, I've been complaining to a lot to EPD and other companies (48 messages, isn't that shocking?!). But, something I don't like about it is the punctuality of messages. They keep on redirecting me to other departments/people and it's getting us nowhere to improving Hong Kong's air quality. "Since ---- Department is in a better position to handle your enquiry, we have referred your enquiry to them for their consideration and necessary action" and "Thank you for your email dated 13.9.2007. We shall forward your email to our relevant officer for follow up. Thank you".

Hong Kong has been also thinking of banning idling engines which is a major step, but it's not perfect step to solve the global warming situation. Minibuses and Taxis are complaining that they'll lose passengers to competitors if there's no A/C ready for them when they board.

Mainland China is also a major polluter to Hong Kong. Regularly, the factories there emit hazardous level pollution and winds blow it over here. A popular dessert product in Hong Kong (made in China Factories) is very un-environmentally friendly. It uses a lot of paper and nearly 50% of the box is filled with sugar with only 2 pieces of Coffee Jelly. What a waste of resources! I've complained to EPD and they replied "We are regret to inform you that we are unable to process your case as food quality usage is outside Environment Protection Department's jurisdiction". Their attitude is worse even than before, they didn't even refer me to another department.

External Links:
The Standard Hong Kong
Clear The Air -- Hong Kong
An Inconvenient Truth (Movie)-I'm seeing it soon!! :P


Anonymous said...


To improve the air condition your home should plant more tree.And tell anyone you know to take this action.

Dorothy Man Wai

Anonymous said...

Everyone can make a difference! And it can be just as simple as changing a light bulb! If you are passionate about stopping global warming and the environment you should check out this website . Changing to CFLs is a great way for individual people to really make a difference! You should also check out this site for more ideas on how to help our world!

Anonymous said...

Hello Samuel,
I'm Johnny from the Netherlands. I found your blog in one of the reactions about the international blog action day.

It's bad for Hong Kong that a great deal of the pollution is not caused by themselves, but by the neighbour. As I understand neighbour China is not very willing to listen and do something about it's pollution.
It's really a disgrace if you ask me. I think that the growing econoy of China is more important than the pollution.
It's something that our kids and grandchildren have to live with.

An action like the blogaction day can unite people and together we have to wake China...

Samuel said...

Thanks to everybody that commented on this post. The global warming crisis is getting worse and almost 99% of the world knows. We have to do all we can to save our Earth.